We also applied Newton-Raphson iterative method in each time step to modify the solutions of velocity and pressure. 在每一时间步中,对压力解和速度解采用了NewtonRaphson迭代法进行修正。
The idea of this algorithm is to find the optimal solution in the feasible region by an iterative step from one basic standard hyperplane to another. 此算法的基本思想是在规划问题的可行域中由所建的一个切割面到另一个切割面的不断推进来求取最优的。
The unknown source strength of cavitation is always arranged on the propeller blade surface in the solving process, but the integration is carried out along the cavity surface of last iterative step when the strength of cavitation dipole is determined according to dynamic condition. 求解过程中待求的空泡源强始终布置在桨叶表面上,而在根据动力学条件求解每一步的空泡面元偶极子强度时,积分是沿着上一步迭代确定的空泡表面进行的。
Comparing with other algorithms, the new algorithm does not need LP problem to be solved in every iterative step and it is easy to implement. 在该算法中,每次迭代时无需求解一个线性规划子问题,而且算法实现也比较简单。
A controlling parameter is used to reduce the amount of the non zero elements in the process of the incomplete Cholesky decomposition, so as to reduce the computation time of the incomplete decomposition and each iterative step of the conjugate gradient method. 此方法是通过引进一个控制参数来减少不完全乔列斯基分解的元素的个数,从而减少不完全分解和共轭梯度法每一迭代步的计算时间;
Newton Raphson method was introduced into the FEM analysis model in order to ensure that the solution of each iterative step would converge by means of satisfying some restrictive condition. 在有限元分析模型中引入了牛顿迭代法,以使每一时间步长的末端温度满足某一限制条件而平衡收敛。
In the optimum iterative procedure, the gradient step and the optimum vector step were adopted to calculate. 在优化迭代过程中,采用梯度步和最佳矢量步相结合的方法进行计算。
All points were arranged according to the fitness value in each iterative step of the algorithm, and the good points and the bad points were made pairs respectively. 该算法在迭代的每一步,都将全部点根据适应值进行排序,让好点与差点进行两两配对。
As for single objective optimization algorithm, a fast iterative algorithm based on conjugate gradient algorithm is presented, which makes use of extent limit of iterative optimization step in conjugate gradient with the idea of least square. 在标量优化图像重建法中,作者以最小二乘为目标,利用共轭梯度法中迭代最优步长的区间性,提出了一种基于共轭梯度法的快速迭代算法。
A parallel genetic algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve the dynamic design optimization problems, which is highly nonlinear and involved in complex dynamic analysis in very iterative step, in mechanical design. 针对机械系统动力优化设计问题非线性程度高、优化计算涉及动力学分析等特点,提出了一个通用、易用和高效的并行遗传算法。
The nonlinear equation system is solved by the mixed method which combines the variable load incremental step with Newton& Raphson iteration. The convergence criterion is to restrict the relative incremental displace-ment for each iterative step. 非线性方程组采用变步长的载荷增量法和Newton-Raphson迭代法相结合的混合法求解,迭代中限制增量位移的相对值作为收敛准则。
After iterative refinement of each processing step, the optimal word-length and Q-Value of each intermediate results and coefficients are evolved. 通过对各个处理步骤迭代求精,从而引出各数据处理步骤中间运算结果及滤波系数的最佳字长及Q值。
Conventional linear and quadratic mixed elements are applicable to this approach, only nodal velocities and a mean value of pressure in each element have to be solved in each iterative step. 这个方法可以采用常规的一次或二次混合单元,在求解的每一步迭代过程中,只需求解节点速度以及在每个单元上为常数值的压强平均值。
The important parameters in the mixed arithmetic such as the initial solution coefficient and the size of iterative step are also discussed in detail. And the relationship between reconstruction images quality and the two parameters above are given. 同时对混合算法中的一些重要参数如初始解系数、迭代步长也进行了详细讨论,并给出了这些参数对重建图像质量的影响关系。
The characteristic of this algorithm is described by finite difference analysis. A set of formulas on linear high order Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation is shown, then iterative step reduced calculating is proposed. 通过有限差分分析说明了算法的特性,并基于线性、高阶拉格朗日插值、埃米特插值给出了一族算法公式。接着又给出了减小计算量的迭代步骤。
When the iterative method is applied to solve the Cauchy problem of the n-dimensional nonlinear wave equation, every iterative step is a Cauchy problem of corresponding the linear wave equation. 在n维非线性波动方程Cauchy问题的迭代解法中,每一个迭代步骤都需要求解一个相应的n维线性波动方程的Cauchy问题。
Then, partition the image into grids by horizontal and vertical lines, and establish the grid distortion function based on the adaptive significant map, which is globally solved by an iterative method. In each iterative step, we simply solve a set of linear equations. 其次,网格化图像,以自适应重要图为权重建立网格变形能量函数,用迭代方法整体求解最优化能量函数得到目标网格,而每次迭代只是简单地求解线性方程组。
The essence of these methods is to transform all kinds of DGs nodes into nodes which can be directly treated by traditional power flow methods at each iterative step. 分别针对这些节点类型的各自特点,提出了在潮流计算中的处理方法,其本质是在各迭代步将各类节点转换成为传统方法能够处理的节点类型。
In each iterative step, after the reconstruction of the current view, use the information to re-estimate all the structures that can be seen then, and update the motion of the cameras. 每恢复一幅图像之后,将所有当前可见的结构用最新的数据进行回溯估计,并用新的结构更新摄像机的运动。
Besides, the iterative step and time of two motion rules of the mean shift algorithm are compared. 比较分析了均值移动算法两种运动方式的迭代时间长短和步数多少。
In order to preserve the discontinuity of fractured strata, we added the fault operator to control the iterative step. 为了有效保留地层断裂等不连续信息,加入了断层算子用于控制迭代步长。
Compared with conventional Newton-type iterative algorithm, the combination method provides reconstructed images with better effect at the same iterative step. 混合算法的重建图像比牛顿迭代算法在相同迭代步数下效果更好。
In order to effectively solve this problem, an automatic method of adjusting the iterative step is presented. 本文提出一个自动调整迭代步长的方法,有效解决了这一问题。
Simplified M-S model considers the gray-scale features of image and brings the gray-scale difference of segmentation area into the iterative step, while the result will be more satisfactory. 简化的M-S模型考虑了图像的灰度特征,将分割区域的灰度差加入了迭代式,能够得到比较理想效果。
Improved iterative step can quickly achieve more accurate exposure adjustments, and gives the MATLAB software verification results. 改进的迭代步长可以更加准确快速的实现曝光调整,并给出了MATLAB软件验证结果。
Secondly, the best feature is selected as a weak classifier in each iterative learning step, and all the weak classifiers are used to construct the strong classifier. 然后,通过迭代学习,选择最优的特征,每个特征作为一个弱分类器,并组成一个强分类器。
Usually, at the end of each iterative step, some more suitably devised conditions are tested to control the iterative process. 通常,在每次迭代的最后,一些适当设计的试验条件被用来控制迭代进程。
Totally implicit difference scheme and linear iterative in each time step are used to solve the non-linear equation of coupled moisture and heat transfer. 应用系数效应滞后的全隐式有限差分格式并在每段时间采用线性迭代法来处理非线性水热耦合迁移方程。
In this paper, and the synchronization of mobile search algorithm and collaborative assembly verification algorithm analysis, analysis of iterative step on the number of iterations and iterative errors, and VRML file in the network transmission efficiency were analyzed. 并且对本文提出的同步移动搜索算法和协同装配算法进行了分析验证,分析了迭代步长对迭代次数和迭代误差的影响,并对VRML文件在网络中的传输效率进行了分析。